Educational Placement & Advisory!

The process of an individual getting a placement into a top foreign school can really be tough yet without the guarantee of success. This is why we are here for you. We will help you secure the admission of your choice or that suits your need in record time.

Educational Placement & Advisory!

The process of an individual getting a placement into a top foreign school can really be tough yet without the guarantee of success. This is why we are here for you. We will help you secure the admission of your choice or that suits your need in record time.

Business Development !

Whether starting a new business or managing an existing one, businesses oftentimes can be tough, especially without the right tools. We can provide you with any or all of the Business Development tools listed below to help give your business the needed impetus for growth and stability.

Training $ Development !

We help to organize trainings for both startups and existing firms especially educational institutions. Staff of schools where we’ve been will attest to the quality of our training.

About us

2theworld Associates is a dynamic consulting company specializing in international education strategy, student recruitment and placement services, located on First Floor, Adedayo House, 36 Abeokuta Expressway Cement Bus Stop , Ikeja, Lagos, the commercial nerve centre of Nigeria.
2theworld Associate came to be out of a zeal and passion to ensure that Nigerian youth, the future of Nigeria, get quality education.

Our focus is on reviving the nation’s (Nigeria) Capacity Building through excellent services and support to our clients that seek to pursue personal and career growth and development, and uplift the quality of life. We focus on students, families, schools and corporate organizations. We also specialize in rendering Business Development Services to SMEs to help improve their business, growing them into world class companies.

Our Mission
To be a world-class solution provider in educational advisory service

Our Vision
To experience the thrill of building capacity through excellent services



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